These are just two quick drawings I did this morning well i had the time. Concepts for the boss character. It was mentioned that he was a mutant or experiment of some sort, and not just a big dude by chance. The first pic his a bit of an adaption of Brad's first boss concept. I through in some stitches to show he has been cut up a little. The second could be more of the mindless monster kinda mutant. If we wanted to go down that road here is an awesome Warhammer concept of a Rat Ogre:
"Rat Ogres are the masterpiece of Clan Moulder's mad research. They are massive hulking monsters, created from a warped mix of different creatures... little more than a mass of sinewy muscles and razor-sharp claws, moved only by their instinct to kill..."
Sounds kinda cool to me.

I like em man! Maybe we need to emphazize the mutations even more. Some awsum texturing could be in order here....