Image via Wikipedia
I just finished watching the Incredibles with dear little sibling, and I remembered there was a story I was going to post up. It's late partly because a) I got called into work a lot, and b) I forgot due to point a), which brings me to point c): I have an amazing lack of short term memory.
So I was watching the Incredibles and reminiscing on how fantastic and memorable the story is, how flawed and brilliant the characters are, etc. etc. etc... It got me thinking about how we can make a great story that's interesting, and with some great design opportunities.
Which is sort of opposite what I was thinking when I re-read this story idea I had...
This is a more whimsical film, that has a good wartime moral, but isn't too heavy handed, and can still be funny.
We can see a tranquil setting, a green field with a tree, birds and butterflies. An explosion suddenly fills the screen, transforming the green landscape into a destroyed battlefield. (using the awesome gw2 trailer idea,) we see a montage of scenes of battle. The soliders battling are basically the same, except for the colour of their uniforms, orange and blue (or whatever colour looks awesome).
An Orange soldier is preparing for battle. He is remarkably smaller and less adept than his other soldier companions. As he finishes preparing himself, he pulls out and looks at a picture of his family. He is forced to quickly put it away as he is thrust into the battlefield. In his haste, he trips, or does something equally as clumsy, and faceplants in the dirt.
He sits up and looks around. The explosions and gunfire are suddenly gone, echoing in the silence. Over the other side of the hill, he sees another soldier dressed in Blue, similarly looking around, lost. They both freeze when they see eachother. The Orange solider looks between his gun and his adversary, hesitating. The Blue soldier fumbles with his gun, and accidentally fires into the sky.
Terrified, both soldiers are spurred into action, running headlong towards each other, firing blindly, not hitting anything. Orange trips again and faceplants in the dirt. Purple arrives in front of Orange at point blank, and tries to fire several rounds at him. He fails, and his gun clicks with an empty barrel.
Orange quickly realises his advantage, and jumps up, aiming at Purple. Purple cowers. Orange can't look as he pulls the trigger.
There is an odd sound as Orange's gun jams. He examines his gun, hitting it, trying to fix it. Purple looks up, surprised and curious. Purple holds out his hand, offering to help fix it. Not thinking, Orange hands it over. Purple fiddles with it for a few seconds before handing the gun back, fixed. Orange accepts it gratefully, and both smile before they remember where they are.
Both clumsily jump back to their respective positions of aiming and cowering. Orange aims again, but still has to look away. Purple looks up timidly, and motions to wait for a second. He casually pushes Orange's gun barrel aside as he reaches for a pocket.
Orange shoots, still looking away. He opens his eyes an looks over to see Purple still alive, clutching a photograph. Orange is dumbstruck. He lowers his gun and reaches for his photograph. (A few shots of each photograph in here to show some similarities...) After looking at his photo for a moment, Orange throws his gun away and helps Purple to his feet.
... then there's shaking hands or something, and walking into the sunset, possibly turning into a nuclear blast. Seeing the blast, they both make all haste in the opposite direction.
So that was an idea I had. That said, I've also done some concept work for our other ideas, which I'll post up after I've scanned them. Which won't be tonight. But soon. Sooner than the last gap between posts.
What happened to my comment? Gah its gonna! Okay I forget what i said now... Oh well. I like this story alot. Potentially uncomplicated environments, opportunity for some really good character animation, easy to follow story line, lame heroes. It has everything lol.
ReplyDeleteI can see us doing some really good stuff with this
Is there a reason why blue changes his uniform to purple while he is running? lol
ReplyDeleteIm goin to hate to see mine go, but as time went by I saw it becoming a 10 min film rather then a 3 min film. I agree with Neil with this being a good little quality student film, instead of a potentially complicated film both technically and story wise.
Ive already got some ideas on the shots and two characters which is good.
Also note that lets try and keep this away from TF2 similarites:P
What we shuld really do is get onto MSN together or phone or something and figure out what to do next. You guys have got me numbers and now me gots credit!!
Lets get this shit crackin!!!!:D
Yes, there is a reason he changes from Blue to Purple. It's because that's the same thing that happened in my handwritten notes, and I'm retarded enough to keep my typos :P
ReplyDeleteThe TF2 similarities are unintentional, but I can see them now I think about it... That can be as different as we want, just so long as they're remarkably similar in some way.
Are there any other ideas floating about? I know Dad was telling me a variation that involved a walking battle tank. Let's throw some ideas around and see how awesome we can make it!
OR MORE IDEAS! Brad's idea I still really like, just not for this length of film! We should keep all our ideas for future projects n stuff!
Do you fellas have Skype? That's a great way to confer with eachother for free, plus with webcams if anyone has one.
I noticed the blue/purple thing too. Lol but i tried to save u the shame of pointing it out, unlike Brad hehe. Walking battle tanks can be a good idea. Maybe leave them for the background action though?
ReplyDeleteI agree with Bombi. I still really like the original idea. This kinda just had a simplicity to it and (from what i picture in my head) really cute characters :3
i dont have skype or webcam, but hey i do have msn lol. ive been so slack on the concept art and ideas, sorry about that. Ive been so run off my feet and when i get home all i can do is sleep and computer games :P
Well to be honest i think bombis idea is the gold medal. Ive already concepted and painted some characters which ill post up after work this arvo. I see us to a many great things. Also when I attended the film nite I felt the audience really enjoyed the funny short films. Maybe its the satisfaction we will hear when our film is awsum and hilarious!!!:D
ReplyDeleteMy vote is down for Toms idea, WHO SEX-ONDS IT!!!?
p.s we should also call our group lemurfoxes:P
I will sex-ond Bombi with u Brad! all night long...
ReplyDeleteHaha so we r the lemurfoxes, though we now have no lemurs or foxes... I like that idea :P
Well I'm surprised and glad you like it. I think it needs a bit of refining to go, but I like the moral. I got it from a story from a member of a drama group who was one of the D-Day troopers running up the beach. Scary shit, I hear there's no checkpoints or respawns out there.
ReplyDeleteI'm gonna rewrite and rewrite again, hunting for some awesome ideas and refinements, so you guys should get some ideas churning and see if we can make something really awesome and polished!