Sunday, January 3, 2010


So when i read Bombi's thang i kind of visualized the orange rabbit as more cute pathetic. The audience would both feel sorry for him and laugh to his lameness lol.


  1. Looks great! It's almost along the same track as I was thinking when I wrote it. I saw it as something like Ralph Bakshi's "Wizards", but that' merely because I'd watched it recently.

  2. I dont know about cute and pathetic, its not a good mix for the audience to really sink their teeth into. I mean if he was like that, would he just stay in his bunker? With a determined character, wanting to prove himself against his fellow troops (almost like a small brother proving himself against his bigger ones) he creates a flowing affect to the story.

    Because he is determined and stubborn he has a reason to get out of the trench, get back up when he falls down, run firing towards the other character and react aggresivly when he is nice to the blue rabbit after a brief period of niceness.

    Fantastic concept and painting man. I love everything there, I am just unsure about the characters personality.
    Please keep this awsum drawings coming man, your inspiring me!!!
