Havnt posted the new character design stuff that we had in our pitch.
Design options: So for the little dude with small man syndrome he gots large cute eyes, but the rest of his features are small. We need the large eyes obviously for the appeal to the character otherwise he will look like a complete a-hole. Another thing I subliminally placed in there was his small teeth which visually symbolize Hitlers mustache. Just one of the small hints for his personality. Havnt drawn them here but I was wondering what you guys thought about largish hands for him, seeing as he is going to be rather expressive?
Also a silhouette on the readability of contrasting characters, not happy with the tall dude, I need to work on him.
Storyboards are still being tweaked and replaced at points storywise. Been thinking why each storyboard frame has to be there, so we dont have un-nessecary camera which will be a waste of time on our part later on. Also last night, did a new banner for the blog seeing as the characters already up there have changed. Hope you guys like it, the blog wont allow me to change it so I've sent it to Bombi so he can.