I said I'd tweak it, so here we are. I was so happy with Brad's interpretation that my changes were subtle enough that I had to do a side by side comparison to my thoughts on what to add or change.
I added pants, so he's not in one of those ludicrous jumpsuit things. Which is possibly realistic, I just like pants.
The other major change was the face: His eyes are slightly larger, so he looks more naturally terrified. I shifted his teeth and mouth down. Could make life easier for us when modelling the mouth, so we don't have to worry about the teeth protruding through the chin.
Skinny character is good. Easy to rig.
Liking the camo, why didnt i think of that before!!? Lol i forgot his belt but I was thinking of putting it up even higher, to get that dorkyness in. Im not sure on the eyes, the larger they are the more harder its going to be placing them in a modelled head without looking reptile like. The teeth I think arn't in the best position. I placed the teeth on the futherest plane on the head (ill have to give a close up on the turnaround). Also, we need to give him at least some chin because when he screams yells etc, the viewers need to see him move his jaw. The placement that you have put the teeth will just about hide the whole mouth when its fully open. Nice work though man, damn you!! Now I don't now which eyes are best!. Damn you and your evil genius!!!:D Whats Neil think?