Tuesday, May 18, 2010

More Animusimatic

Some re-tweaks on the animatic. This is the animatic we're using for the pre-vis. There's some potential for some short in between shots here and there, but this is the definitive shot list from this point.

There were too many shot additions and changes to justify just using the old animatic and adding later. So! Here's the animatic with some tweaked music:

External link.

And this is our shot list to date.
Details will change, such as adding skies and background elements, but this is the nuts and bolts of it.

shot_01 zoom out from photo
· orange_model
· photo
· ground_plane

shot_02 top view of orange
· orange_model
· photo
· ground_plane
· rifle

shot_03 explosion off screen
· orange_model
· photo
· ground_plane
· rifle
· comrade_leg

shot_04 jump out trench then trip
· orange_model
· ground_plane
· rifle
· comrade_leg x2?

shot_05 look up. Explosion off screen
· orange_model
· ground_plane

shot_06 everyone is dead
· orange_model
· ground_plane
· rifle

shot_07 looking around
· orange_model
· rifle

shot_08 blue standing
· orange_model
· blue_model
· ground_plane
· shotgun
· rifle?

shot_09 close up on blue's face
· orange_model
· blue_model
· ground_plane
· rifle

shot_10 gross up close up

shot_11 orange sneezes
· orange_model
· blue_model
· ground_plane
· shotgun
· rifle

shot_12 silhouette, shotgun fires
· orange_model
· blue_model
· ground_plane
· shotgun
· rifle

shot_13 orange angry, runs
· orange_model
· ground_plane
· rifle

shot_14 blue cowers
· blue_model
· shotgun

Shot_15 action shot orange
· orange_model
· rifle
· ground_plane

Shot_16 action shot blue
· blue_model
· shotgun
· ground_plane

Shot_17 action shot orange
· orange_model
· rifle
· ground_plane

Shot_18 action shot blue
· blue_model
· shotgun
· ground_plane

shot_19 action shot orange
· orange_model
· rifle
· ground_plane

shot_20 action shot blue and orange
· orange_model
· blue_model
· ground_plane
· shotgun
· rifle

shot_21 orange trips
· orange_model
· ground_plane
· shotgun
· rifle

shot_22 rifle bounces away
· ground_plane
· rifle

shot_23 orange backs away from blue’s gun
· orange_model
· ground_plane
· shotgun

shot_24 blue hesitating with gun
· blue_model
· ground_plane
· shotgun

shot_25 orange flinching away
· orange_model
· ground_plane

shot_26 blue looking away, misfires, realizes gun’s not workin’
· blue_model
· ground_plane
· shotgun

shot_27 orange looks up, confused.
· Orange_model
· Ground_plane

shot_28 blue fiddling with gun, orange’s hand pops up, blue gives gun, orange fixes gun os
· orange_model
· blue_model
· shotgun

shot_29 orange offering gun back
· orange_model
· shotgun
· ground_plane

shot_30 blue receiving gun from orange, shaking hands, sudden realization, jump back
· orange_model
· blue_model
· ground_plane
· shotgun

shot_31 over shoulder of blue looking at orange, photo falls out.
· orange_model
· blue_model
· shotgun
· ground_plane
· photograph

shot_32 close up blue reaction to photo
· blue_model

shot_33 zoom to photo on the ground
· ground_plane
· photo

shot_34 blue pulls out wallet & flicks down
· blue_model
· wallet

shot_35 orange watching wallet cascading
· orange_model
· ground_plane

shot_36 blue is still looking at wallet cascading
· blue_model
· wallet

shot_37 blue POV of wallet photos, compares with orange
· blue_model
· wallet
· orange_model
· ground_plane

shot_38 blue recognizes orange, quick zoom to blue happily throwing gun & wallet
· blue_model
· orange_model
· ground_plane
· shotgun
· wallet
· photograph

shot_39 blue picks up orange in a hug
· blue_model
· orange_model
· ground_plane

shot_40 orange bewildered, looks down
· orange_model
· blue_model

shot_41 photos from orange’s pov
· photo
· wallet
· ground_plane

shot_42 close ups of photos
· photo
· wallet
· ground_plane

shot_43 orange’s realization
· orange_model
· blue_model

I've gotten feedback the hug is still weird. But the hug is also the best way to convey the emotions I think. Compromise: Blue still hugs Orange, but the first photograph at the end should be them shaking hands, not hugging.

I feel like lemonade.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The music is missing some parts to it. And I think the music is also too scary when he sees blue on top of the hill top. We need a tune thats happyish. It just pulls down the comedy of the film in later shots I reckon.
