It may not seem like much but it has alot of work in it. I'm going to go on a rant here...
Ok so first I did the texture and stuff, including an 'army' like pattern on his cloth although when i finished it, it just looked off. Just this morning I deleted the whole pattern and have decided it should be plain orange. Why? Because it draws emphasis off the whole form, there's so much value and shape in his arms then the rest of his body that it just looks ridiculous. This is my opinion but I'm feeling pretty strong about it at the moment.
Also since we are creating 3D, a medium that can look extremely plastic looking at times I first decided to try and give some bump on his fur....which turned out to look like he was made a grass or had just been beaten with a the end of a metal cleaver. So I thought about it and came up with the concept of 'bump noise'. If giving him a bump on his fur looks weird, I would need to imply that his fur is actually smooth and everything else is dirty and gritty. So the concept of 'bump noise' is to break up the shapes of his clothes and helmet (maybe even the environment to some degree) with a very light gritty texture. You can see if on his helmet, and that same texture is applied to everything but his fur.
Also did alot of tweaking with his cloth bump which I think has turned out quite nicely, now all I have to work on is his scratches and bump for helmet and vest. I also changed his eyes to the same green in the concept art cause green goes well with orange(you can see it on a colour wheel).
Thoughts or anything ive missed out on?
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