Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Anmimatronic Notation

Notes for changes to our animatic as follows:

Shot 2: reframe for continuity (move to right?)

Shot 3: ideas for making it more obvious why they're jumping out into an explosion ("CHAAAARGE!!" & vox effects?)
>>Hold shot longer, add more sfx.

Shot 4.5: Add close ups for tripping?
>>Trips over his own feet - close up

Shot 7ish: Frame for OS explosion to reveal of desolation (reframe better?)
>>Knock orange off to the left a little, then quick zip out to reveal desolation.

(remember to cut on action from this to next MCU shot)

Shot 9: Reconsider reveal of Blue guy (pan? POV?)
>>Look at pixar examples

Shot 10: Get more oppinion on slow pull to CU of blue

Fighting sequence: Do some awesome camera work
>>Blue's first shot cuts on action to... Many camera angles, fast moving shots, adding items getting hit, etc. etc.

Add tripping close up again (maybe?)
>>experiment with this.

Remember what was potentially wrong with the bird thing...
>>Maybe unneccessary? Add later.

Long shot of bird getting shot (frank) - falling into frame in later sequence (tune for comic timing)

>>Change 2nd tripping framing
-add quick shot of orange's gun bouncing away
-gun falls to place, cut on action to
-strong perspective shot of gun barrel
-slow pan around gun to reveal blue shaking holding gun
-cut to orange, closer, flinching away (bracing for impact)
-cut to CU of Blue hesitating, looking away
-emphasise gun misfiring animation
-click a few times while looking
-THEN turn gun around.
-orange tenatively looks up a little. (reaction shot)
-Blue still fiddling with gun.

Jumpy camera cuts when giving gun back. Reduce to 1 or 2.

Reconsider jumping back somehow. Flat framing is lame. WATCH KUNG FU AWESOMENESS WITH CAPS LOCK OF EPIC

Show photo flying out in long shot
-cut to CU of photo

Re-arrange reactions (blue react - photo CU - Blue re-react)

Flipping photo album (use cut on action as blue rotates photos [cut from external shot to pov])

Photos framed awesomely together at end.

And all that jazz.

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